Monolithian / Darkmother / The SLM / D:Roid / Grim Ravine

Grim Ravine kicked of early for this packed out show at The Edge in Southsea this Thursday. This was only the second show for these south coast based doom-mongers who treated us to some slow and heavy sludgey riffage. 


Grim Ravine's debut is out now on Bandcamp:

D:roid were up next ... this 3-piece know how rock, for fans of Metal, Punk, Noise Rock, Sludge, Desert Rock they cite their influences as Melvins, Shellac, Beefheart/Zappa, the sound of the hoover, the microwave, and a boiling kettle. Check out their noises here:


Next up in this packed bill were The SLM ... Southsea's finest Zombie-Shark-Core punks who's sense of humour and sheer pace of their sound never fails to wow their cult following!

Darkmother's 2-piece stoner doom psychedelia from Nottingham kept up the pace ... check them out here:

Monolithian are a heavy as balls 2-piece from Falmouth Cornwall for lovers of doom metal and black metal which went down a storm: